FORGOTTEN ROOTS is my second book set on the Island of St. Joseph in Ontario. In both of them I feature a detective, Andrea Blake. Now, I've just completed another manuscript with her as my heroine. What's going on?
When I wrote Bad Medicine I had no intention of beginning a series. She found her way into FORGOTTEN ROOTS because I needed a modern day character who lived on St. Joseph Island during an archaeological dig there. She was handy. I have to admit, I kind of got to like her a lot. That's how she wheedled her way into my new manuscript. Then there's the question about writing three novels that are set on one little island. You might wonder if that's limiting. How many stories can you tell about an area 30 by 15 miles? Then, I remember one of my favorite writers, Philip R. Craig who made a living (a good one) writing crime stories set on Martha's Vineyard. Cynthia Riggs is another well-known who chose that venue to tell her stories. So, I guess I'll go ahead and submit A SCENT OF ALMOND for publishing later this year (I still have to write an epilogue). What's next after that?...I have no Idea. I may give Andy a rest.
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